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World best videos » Science


Interesting research, informative, instructive videos. Maximally informative videos from the category "Science". Watch and download to your mobile phone, computer or tablet. Each video in this category are available in 3gp or mp4 format HD/SD quality.
Videos 1 to 6 out of 47

 the spirit molecule [49:30]

 BBC: "the Mind of man (Maze brain). Making friends" / "The Human Mind" (2003). Film 1 of 3 [48:20]

 Discovery. 100 greatest discoveries. 08 - Genetics (Genetics) [44:02]

 100 greatest discoveries. Medicine. [53:15]

 The human SOUL and LIFE AFTER death 16+ [Scientific documentary] [27:48]

 Marei Alexander - Vulgar Roman Law [11:20]
World best videos » Science
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